Health Equity Initiatives
We condemn the systemic racism and continued oppression of the Black community. We are an agency that must show up every day to help others and ethically we must work together to dismantle persistent systemic and structural racism embedded in this country.
We understand that this has been a time of tragedy, hurt, anger, frustration and great stress for our staff, our communities, and our clients. We understand that racism, police brutality, and violence deeply impacts the mental health and well-being of those we serve.
Thrive will not tolerate racism in any form within its agency, in our leadership or toward the clients we serve. We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, clients, and the entire Black community to fight for equal rights and justice.
Thrive understands that we must continuously commit to:
-Identifying and preventing implicit bias, discrimination, and racism
-Continuing to support skill and talent development within our agency to ensure a diverse leadership team, with representation from a wide range of cultural identities.
-Providing mandatory training to all staff around issues of cultural competency, racism, and microaggressions.
-Increasing transparency around what upper and middle management are doing to educate ourselves and increase cultural competency on an agency level.
-Empowering our clients to provide constructive feedback to our agency
Your voices are important and although we cannot ever fully understand how you feel, we will continue to listen and will stand with you.
Black Lives Matter.
For those that do not identify as a Black American: You may be asking yourself how this relates to you. We are not taking away from the fact that people of all races and creeds face hardship, stress, and challenges. We continue to be here for you. We encourage everyone to open themselves up to learning about racism in our world and how it impacts us all.
Health Equity and Anti-racism Initiatives
Thrive Behavioral Health is committed to consistent improvement and development of recognition of issues of health equity and the impact of social determinants of health. Since February 2024, some of the trainings/initiatives our staff have participated in have included:
- February 2024: Daily Black History Month Discussion
- February 2024: Considerations for Mental Health Treatment During Ramadan
- March 2024: Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
- May 2024: Children’s Mental Health Fair
- May 2024: Mental Health Bags (Giveaways)
- June 2024: Baltimore Pride Resource Table
- July 2024: School Supply Drive
- August 2024: Back-to-School Resource Fairs
- September 2024: Anti-Oppressive Clinical Practices Training
- October 2024: Power and Privilege in Mental Health (Dr. Liz Ressler, LCSW-C)
- October 2024: Holiday Toy Drive
- November 2024: Thanksgiving Food Drive
- December 2024: Holiday Toy Shop (Giveaway)